Monday, February 8, 2010


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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Look At All The Children Now

Released in 1990 on Evacuate Records, "Look At All The Children Now" came right after the greatest period in NYHC history had seen it's day. Bands like Moondog, Rorschach, and Citizen's Arrest are still talked about today, but there are plenty of lesser know bands that make up this diverse compilation such as World Discrimination, Bugout Society, Team Effort and more. I believe this was Evacuate's only release and was done by Sam McPheeters of Born Against fame. A lot of these songs don't stand the test of time., but there's quite some ragers on here as well.

On a side note...I remember a few years ago record shopping at Vinyl Solution in Huntington Beach where my friend Jeff and I came across this LP. We both went to grab it at the same exact moment. He gave me a look and said it was a record with Walter Schriefels he didn't own. Knowing he was clinically obsessed with anything and everything Walter...I relinquished my right to purchase said record. I'm sure Jeff is still rocking this once a month, but it sure would look good mixed among my 12"s.

Download Link: